Effects of Technology on Education

Technology has advantages and disadvantages on education. Some advantages are that it has many info on the internet and you can check many sources for researching there. It also checks your spelling so you can hand in better papers and essays in, also, it makes things look organized in a paper.
Of course, there are disadvantages. Not everyone has a computer or laptop at home or they don't have one with internet. Innapropriate material can appear when you are in the internet without you knowing. Some computer programs or programs you download from internet can bring viruses that can erase or change files, change settings, and more if you don't have an antivirus.
In conclusion I think that computers and other technologies make work easier. You can finish your papers and such faster and it is easier to erase errors. Other technologies like DVDs also help because you can see movies about what you're learning. Technologie influences a lot on education.
I was wondering why do people put viruses on computers if they dont gain anything by doing that. Sometimes I also think that those programs against viruses dont work at all because your computer still gets damaged. This is very interesting.
hey pau
I totally agree on you. Bad things CAN appear on computers. ALso some other advantages are that it helps us to do work and in a cleaner way. Very interesting post
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